Arjun vs Karna,who is better??

The Mahabharat is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India.Mahabharat is a epic in which we can see all emotions of the world.It has a principles that a person has to implement in his life inorder to become success and also become close to god.

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                In this epic, we can see  two great warriors i,e Arjun and Karna.Both were sons of Kunti.But also they were unknown brothers.Both had to fight opposite to each other in Kurukshetra war because of  Kunti,who kept Karna's birth history as secret from her sons.Both Arjun and Karna were powerful in their own way.

After lots of research,it made me confirm that both are equal in case of archery skills . Because both had dedication,respect to Guru and to the lesson they learnt and always acquired knowledge with great dedication and hardwork.And also if both had normal Dhanush(bow) in their hand then no one would have lost..
                Both were great archers of that time.Karna , who had seen only insults and pain in his life because of his religion, wanted to show world his  strength and capacity and also had to prove that strength and courage doesn't depend on religion,So he made Arjun as his enemy and decided to kill Arjun inorder to show world his power, due to which it led to the competition between Karna and Arjun.
                Arjun ( son of Indra deva) acquired knowledge from Guru Drona  with dedication, hardwork and  had full respect to his Guru and also in true path. Where as Karna(son of Surya(sun)) acquired knowledge from Guru Parashuram with dedication,hardwork and full respect to Guru, by telling lie that he was brahman, due to which he had to accept the curse from him.....

          Arjun was gifted with Gandhiv Dhanush by Agnideva which enhanced the power of  arrow whenever he left arrow from that bow.

Karna was gifted with Vijaya Dhanush by his Guru Parashuram,which was used by him once in  Kurukshetra war which was more Powerful Dhanush than Gandhiv dhanush that even pashupathasthr was unable to break that Dhanush. It was created by Vishwakarma and told that the person who held this Dhanush will not be defeated and given to Indra and hence it is called as Vijaya Dhanush (Vijaya means Victory) And it went to lord Parashuram and then to Karna.

Reasons why Arjun and Karna were equal in Archery skills

*Both had dedication, ,done hardwork,had full respect to Guru and always tried to better themselves.

*In Virat yuddh, Arjun defeats whole kaurav army including Karna,Bheesma,Drona, Duryodhana and so on.But you have to notice here that Arjun had Gandhiv dhanush(bow) and Karna had normal Dhanush.And this made Arjun to defeat Karna for two times in same war.
         You may think it is not mentioned in some series but you have to accept that some Mahabharat series is based on other opinion rather than Vyasa Mahabharat .

*Now if we talk about Kurukshetra yuddh, Karna participates on 11th day and when he comes he uses normal Dhanush.And whenever Arjun and Karna comes opposite to each other Arjun overpowers him. And here you have to note one thing that Arjun and Karna got few opportunities to fight each other as the commander in chief was Guru Drona, until Karna became commander in chief.

*On 16th day Karna becomes commander in chief , but Arjun overpowers him,and also Karna could not fight with Arjun for long as he had to look for Dushyasan and Duryodhan.
          But Arjun by his archery skills destroyed many Kaurav army on this day.

*On 17th day ,Karna understands that until Arjun has Gandhiv he cannot defeat him or become equal to him,and so he uses Vijaya Dhanush and Asks Duryodhan to appoint Shalya as his charioteer inorder to equal Lord Krishna.

                  This day Arjun vs Karna yuddh starts and Karna overpowers Arjun.And Arjun began to know about the Vijay Dhanush and starts to fight with his full strength. When this happens, Duryodhan asks Karna to  ask help of Nagaraj(who was defeated by Arjun and left unharmed) . Though it was Adharma Karna due to his promise to Duryodhan asks help of Nagaraj by which Arjun could have died, but got saved by Krishna.....

                      Krishna knew that untill Karna has Vijaya Dhanush it's impossible to defeat him and he says it to Arjun too.And also Krishna knew that until Karna has that Dhanush,he can overpower Arjun.So he remembers about Karna's Curse and began to take away his chariot until Karna's chariot's tyre falls in swamp .And when Karna leaves his Dhanush in Chariot and begans to remove chakra (chariot tyre) from swamp Krishna asks Arjun to kill him.Thus great soldier gets killed.

*And by this proofs you can understand why both are equal....It is nothing but Dhanush made difference between them.Until Arjun had Gandhiv Arjun Overpowered Karna and defeated him.And when Karna used Vijaya Dhanush,he Overpowered Arjun...

*Rather than that both were good at their qualities and inturn Karna was best at what he does like Friendship ,Daan veer(lending donation to needy), generous,respect to guru and good soldiers etc but though had dharma in his heart always took wrong step where as Arjun  shows us how a good husband should be or how a good son should be and benefits of hardwork,what makes good soldier,. And was also close to god.He always chose right path in case of getting knowledge and so on...

*Arjun had overall knowledge in Archery that he was known as Savyasachi i,e he could shoot arrows with his left hand just as well as he did with his right hand,and with same accuracy. He  also made Lord Shiva happy by his strength,courage and his capacity and earned Pashupathasthr by Lord Shiva...

*Here another important point you have to see, though Karna was in Kaurav party he teaches us lots like True friendship and how a soldier should be. He was better when compared Arjun in case of lending Donation ,helping needy, friendship...And also though he knew that 5 Pandavas were his brothers,he asked Kunti not to say to them about his birth history because of fearing that if she says then they will accept him as their brother and inturn he  makes them to  bow under Duryodhan.By this you can understand the greatness of Karna.He earned only  pain and insults in his life but also he accepted Kunti as his mother and gave her promise of sparing her 4 sons.He also gave his Kavach and Kundal as donation to Indra, though he previously knew about that.....

*So I request you all, rather than seeing Mahabharat like Avengers or other movies, learn  lessons that you can adopt from that.....

And always do Karma and don't desire for outcome

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ २-४७

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August 15, 2020 at 10:06 AM ×

Great information bro....

Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...